Re: Club Fundraising discussion

Posted by David Grubbs On 2012/12/28 20:53:28
One of the things we used to do in club I belonged to in Texas was to buy slightly dented/rusted/scratched hubcaps that were too far gone to be used on a car, then clean them up and drill a hole in the center of them and install a quartz clock mechanism. Fairly easy to do, and they were hot sellers as long as you weren't trying to sell Hudson hubcaps at the Tri-5 Chevy meetings.

I've also noticed the made in Hong Kong watches with Packard logos - they're cheap, but I don't think they last too long. A better made version might be a good seller. However, there are some of these already being made by some of the clubs.

Also, how about some videos on topics like tuning the engine, overhauling a distributor or carb, setting valves, adjusting shift linkages, removing dashes, rewiring etc? All of these are common issues, and aren't too difficult to the grayer hair group, but they are getting to be a black art to the younger guys. All of these issues are covered in books, but I find that a good video is much more informative.

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