Re: water/antifreeze

Posted by Tim Cole On 2012/12/31 16:46:43
Dear Jesse:

If the ground wasn't frozen and there were no frozen puddles or ponds then he is probably okay. The radiator will freeze first.

I have seen cars freeze over a sub-zero weekend, but only the radiator. The rest became slushy. There is a scientific formula to calculate the rate of freeze up if you are so inclined. The Russians used that stuff for building ice roads upon which they ran tractor trailers and even railroads over open water during winter.

The system should not be stored empty because it will rust and the radiator will be ruined.

The best fill level is even with the top of the fins which is lower than when new due to hot spots and such that occur with age and cause turbulence. Some cars will reach a level lower than that and stop losing water out the overflow. So a working temperature gauge is a must.

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