Re: New Google 3-D view--the Packard Plant as you have never seen it online!

Posted by Craig the Clipper Man On 2013/1/3 14:59:53
These are rather sad photos, when viewed as a group. Seventy-two years ago this plant was rolling out the new Clippers and other fine cars, with thousands of employees working within these walls supporting their families and taking pride in what they were building. There were esigners planning new models for the future. New Packards in a variety of colors rolled out of this plant destined for dealerships around the United States and Canada and other countries. The name Packard, as shown in one of the slides, made a statement about quality, innovation, and status. When a family bought a new Packard built in this plant it was a big deal. In family albums there are old photos of mothers, fathers, and children taken next to their new 120 or Clipper or other models. Now the people who once worked for Packard in this plant are in their late 70s or 80s. One day, like this plant, they too will be gone. It is a shame that this plant had to get to this state; I'm sure James Ward Packard would prefer another auto manufacturer be in it cranking out cars today, rather than see his dream turned to rust and debris, its walls spray-painted with gang grafitti and windows broken by vandals. Every car represents someone's dream, hard work, and hope, no matter whether it is a Bugatti, a Fiat, a Rambler, or a Packard. Cars gave Americans the freedom to move when and where they wished. This plant gave Americans one of those cars. It's up to us to keep at least a part of that dream alive.

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