A 22nd series in "The Gangster Squad"...

Posted by D-train On 2013/1/22 11:35:53
Hi all,

I saw The Gangster Squad last night. In it, a 22nd series (Custom 8) made several appearances. ...although they stated that the year of the movie was 47. That would be a little early for a 22nd series, wouldn't it?

Also, was a line in the movie about a captain, who had just purchased a "new Packard out in the parking lot". I'm surprised and impressed that they didn't refer to a Cadillac. As everyone today knows what those are.

Today it's 2 degrees in Chicago! A far cry from 10 days ago or so when a poster from the Chicago area took his car out in 50 degree weather.

Stay warm!


P.S. I liked the movie. ...although it was a little "comic stripish" maybe. If you see it, wait until after the opening scene to start eating your popcorn!

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