Re: New Website Server

Posted by BigKev On 2008/8/22 15:29:31
Ok, the correct data was in the file I exported from the old server. But the special characters were causing the data to truncate on the import. The old ISP's DB backup process should have tagged those characters with a forward slash to mark them as special when it did the export, but it didnt.

So I just wrote a small script to go through all the data and replace the special characters with the correct "\" slashes in front on them so the import process would not balk at it.

The I changed all the SQL INSERTs to UPDATEs in the SQL data script and reimported. So I updated almost 11,000 entires with the correct text from the old server. So that should fix everything.

I just looked at the ZIS thread where it was pretty bad, and this fixes them those.

Knocking down those gremlins one by one! Thanks for your patience.

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