Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C

Posted by PackardV8 On 2013/3/6 9:08:36
Good point BDC. But there is a part of it that is difficult to understand.

How do the oil companies actualy convert the corn to ethanol????? Only way i know of is thru fermentation which is rather slow process, say no less than 1 month to maybe as long as 3 months for a completed fermentation process. Followed by distillation.

BUT, the dregs of the fermentation or even distillation process can then be fed to critters. Make the runt of any litter grow into best of the breed.

So why should corn used for eth production not then be used for cattle feed as a byproduct????

Note that i am no expert on this so i am probably missing some important point or maybe i have a gross misconception of the process????

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