Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C

Posted by BDC On 2013/3/6 10:19:37
Starch (energy) is taken out of the corn and turned into ethanol. The byproduct that's left is called destillers grain. It takes roughly 4 lbs of corn to get 1 lbs of destillers grain (DG).
DG has no starch a necessary ingredient to get growth (meat), or production (milk).
Sulphur levels are 4 times higher in DG than in corn, so that essentially limits the amount you feed
Toxins in corn (which is natural) are 4 times higher in DG
There are many more reasons which I will not bother uou with.
DG is a good feed to supplement your ration with but can never replace corn.

Thats cattle feeding 101 in a nutshell!

By putting ethanol in fuel they tied our food price to the oil market. You either eat your corn flakes with milk in the morning or you fill up your car! Its whatever you use the corn for.

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