Re: Cleaning a wire wheel

Posted by Thomas Wilcox On 2013/4/29 12:16:17

Owen_Dyneto wrote:
There are special brushes available, kind of like old radiator brushes but with a wooden core instead of steel. But it my experience they are only marginally useful, I hate to clean wire wheels but when I do I use old tooth brushes. My wires (on my 34) are painted so I just use any conventional cleaner/wax, if yours are chromed you might have to do them twice, once with a chrome cleaner and then a wax. I use an old tee shirt with my finger inside, plan on about 1 hour per wheel, at least, to go a good job. To say that it's tedious is an understatement.

If anyone has a better way, I'm all ears.

I agree with Dave, it is tedious. I have found that when I want to do a deep clean it is easier to remove the wheel and submerge it in a large tank filled with dawn or ivory soap solution. I then crawl in and scrub. An inflatable 'kiddy' pool works fine.

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