Homeland Security & state DMVs

Posted by Craig Hendrickson On 2013/5/3 19:27:20
I just talked to International Title Service in Las Vegas, NV on another matter, but he advised me that as of Jan 1, 2013, most of the state laws have been severely tightened up regarding getting a new title (if you didn't already have a valid one) on ANY car, even an old one (used to be pre-1972 was easy/cheap). It seems (according to him) that DHS (ain't government wonderful?) doesn't want ANYONE driving an old car anymore (remember the "cash for clunkers" debacle?). It won't be long before it will be impossible to get a legal title on a pre-1994 vehicle if you don't already have a clear and up-to-date title and this includes current plates and proof of insurance.

If you have a clear, up-to-date title on your current Packard with up-to-date insurance, then you are OK...for now. But, be aware and act accordingly.

But, if you have a Packard that you are planning to restore (even someday) and don't currently have all the required docs, you could get skruwed.

Who knows? Maybe soon you'll need a special permit and special equipment (like a tracking GPS, e.g., are you aware of pay-per-mile legislation in some states?) to drive ANY pre-1994 (soon to be pre-2000, etc...) car!


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