Re: "The Classic Car", Summer 2013 issue

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2013/6/14 8:34:24
Tim, I remember Dr. Andrade's Cadillac quite well, he was in the local chapter of the VMCCA with me. Quite sadly he passed away as a relatively young man, never did find out where the Cadillac went or see it again. Our VMCCA was thick with early enthusiasts, Geo. Jepson, Charlie Vanderbush, John Hovey and Austie Clark to name just four. It was also a hot-bed of early brass cars (and still is), I remember when I joined in the early 60s with my 34 Packard I was reminded that since I didn't light my headlights with a match, I really had a modern car. The club switched affiliation to AACA some years ago but still adheres to the requirement that member's car be at least 50 years old.

In browsing the article on the Russian Government (and alleged Stalin) 37 Twelve it was interesting to read that the rear door window glasses weighed about 100 lbs each and were raised and lowered with a hydraulic jack within the door. I vaguely remember a similar arrangement in the armoured ZIS', Gusha could confirm.

What did you think of the Dietrich 845 Newport club sedan? I thought it one of the most elegant early 30s Packard closed cars I've ever seen.

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