Re: last 6 cylinder

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2008/9/4 22:50:59
Trying to wrap this up a bit, I've gone back to pages 197, 198 and 199 of Robert Neal's "Master Motor Builders". If you don't have this book, you really should look for a copy, it has a tremendous wealth of data.

John, it indicates that White ceased using the Packard Six truck engine (then known as the IT-245) in 1962 and all the engines White used, about 7500 in Truck series 3014 and 3015, were manufactured by Packard and later Studebaker-Packard, and no mention is made of any sale of the engine plant or tooling to White. In 1953 White was paying $344 per engine and apparently purchased them well ahead of their actual needs.

Also on page 199 I see noted the 13 23rd series NYC taxicabs; apparently this was not originally planned but resulted from lower-than-expected sales of the 22nd series taxis and export sixes. Thanks 49Packard for bringing this out.

And PackardV8, the White trucks you speak of certainly had a kind of similarity to the 40-42 Packard grille style, but it was just that, a similiairty. BTW, the ones you think of weren't the series that used the Packard engine, though they did use a series of quite large displacement White-produced L-head sixes. EDIT - adding a copy of a typical White spec sheet for the series using the Packard Six engine, courtesy of Robert Neal's "Master Motor Builders".

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