What's your take on this car?

Posted by patgreen On 2013/6/29 22:30:25
cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1941-PACKARD-CUS ... =US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item5af2a9d8bd

1941 180 Packard. Just like the lines on these. This one looks decent on the outside, but the upholstery does not look correct to my admittedly untrained eye.

Also put off by the pitted chrome just below speedometer.

While I'm at it, the undercarriage looks like it had an exceptionally superficial spraying of some kind of black stuff.

If it doesn't have jump seats, how is it a limo?

Or am I being excessively harsh?

Any thoughts on a real world selling price (or this dealer)?

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