Road-trip Essentials

Posted by Joe Santana On 2013/7/1 23:26:34
I am still contemplating a 700 mi drive from Portland, OR to Santa Cruz, CA via the coast route in the Duchess, 1940 Super 8 160 Conv Sedan.

Over the course of restoration I organized my tools so the most frequently used items are clustered together. I would put these all in toolbox, hand carry type to take. Maybe there's a less common tool that's essential for a trip like this.

But I wondered about parts, too. What sets of things or spares or kits make sense for a journey like this.

Of course I'll have my iPhone with GPS apps which can be charged through the cigar lighter from the 6/12 +/- converter I installed.

I've read about Packardites driving cross-country to meets or driving a new (to them) car home through blizzards. If you've made these long-distance drives, I'd like to get some tips from you. I will blog my trip starting July 11 (if I do in fact leave).

Perhaps there are others making a long trip this summer or fall who could benefit as well.


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