Re: An interesting discussion on the Hemmings blog...

Posted by 58L8134 On 2013/7/11 8:17:13
Amen Paul! Others can call it beating a dead horse if they like, it's their prerogative, but much insight is to be gained by analyzing what went both right and wrong then, insights that can now be applied to the current boneheads still running the American industry into the ground (see Lincoln currently circling the drain).

Oddly enough, the more I engage in this analysis, the more I come to appreciate and respect what Packard did by dropping the rose-colored glasses of old and see their actions within the context of the period. As such, I've developed a deeper interest in and respect for all their cars, something not always the case at one time.


Remember: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. " - George Santayana

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