Re: AACA Forums?

Posted by Anonymous On 2007/6/15 10:09:11
Boy... i can just FEEL the love. :)

The AACA forums are back to working as they should. The upgrade was painful, but neccessary. Migrating almost 600,000 posts were a bigger problem than I anticipated. I plan on making a few cosmetic changes still, but technically its back to normal.

Searches work
xref is 100% intact

Yup, the old url's are broken, unfortunately that is the cost of progress. Someday when BigKev has to update this site the same problems will occur. Hope treat him well when he does.

The new software will provide some additional features, faster searches, better editing, easier attachement features, more photo features, etc.



P.S. J.S. - Maybe you should enjoy a beer now and again. May loosen the stick.

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