Writing an article of Packard Plant

Posted by BigBlockHead On 2013/11/23 17:19:02
Dear all,

I am a Finnish student, studying in Michigan (Kettering University) currently. While I am here, I am writing automotive related articles for Finnish classic car magazine.
RogerDetroit encouraged me to join the discussion forum and ask more plant related question.

First of all, I was trying to find a publication (book for example) that would tell more about the plant's history. I have a book called "How Detroit became the Automotive Capital", but it has just a very quick overview of Packard.
I was told that Packard Cormorant magazine #137 (Winter 2009) has a story about the plant, but I have not managed to find it online. There's a guy on ebay who has lot of the old Cormorant numbers, but not this one. Skillman archives should have it, but I probably can't borrow it from there? So, If anyone wants to sell theirs, it would be great.

Second, are there any old Packard dealership buildings left in Detroit area?

I have already visited the plant couple times, and will probably go again, but I need to locate some on old photos. If someone knows where they are I would be very thankful!
I found the photos from Skillman library's online archives. I will apologize in advance, cause I will probably ad more photos later as I search further what they have!

If you guys have any ideas what publications/website I should research or where I could find good places to shoot photos at the Plant, let me know.

Thank you all,
Markku Jaakkola

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