1938 ID Numbers

Posted by fixem39 On 2014/2/27 18:39:33
Hello to all, I am new to the Packard world and I need some help. I just took a 1938 1182 in on trade for work I did on a customer's car. This car has no numbers that I can find. After reading posts on here and talking to a fellow site member, I found that there was only a decal for this year. My question leads to this; I was removing the front seat to get to the battery and sat the seat out of the car, when I went to put the seat back in I saw a paper in the seat springs. I carefully unfolded the brittle paper and found the numbers and other numbers such as Group A and trim 3 and it also mentioned Atlanta, GA. These numbers began with 1182 and then 6 other digits. Are these my ID numbers? If so does any one know where I could get a reproduction data plate/decal? Thanks for all of your help...John

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