Re: I'm new and have a few questions

Posted by Leeedy On 2014/3/22 12:00:37

Owen_Dyneto wrote:
I'm perhaps stating the obvious; the triangular emblem in your post #2 (next to the quarter) is the emblem for the Packard Pan American. I don't know if it's original or not, but with only 4 cars of that model built, it would certainly be rare if authentic.

Au contrare...actually there were six (6) Pan Americans built, not four. And yes, the triangular emblem indeed appears to be a Pan Am door emblem. I will go even further in noting that one Pan Am car I knew of years ago was missing ONE of these emblems and I have photos of it showing the triangle emblem missing from the door.

Of course anytime emblems and logos are made up for a vehicle-even one-offs-the usual procedure is to have extras made. Since this one shows mounting prongs on the rear and a curvature, it just would not seem to be a mere souvenir.

I do have a very large amount of Packard Pan American info and photos gathered over many decades. I knew these cars from when they were new. I am still trying to locate all of the cars and serial number information for a final history and large, accurate article on these cars.

Finally, one of the other vertical medallions ("Body Styled and Built By Henney" -turquoise on top, black on lower half) was featured in an original magazine advertisement in the 1950s showing a Richard Arbib concept illustration of a Pan American (with the top up-and yes, there WERE Pan Ams with tops-contrary to what some want you to believe).

This vertical Henney medallion was also shown in a very large size at the Pan Pacific Auditorium in Los Angeles when Pan Am #1 was exhibited there shortly after it was built.

You are also welcome to PM me on Pan Americans and these medallions.

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