Make your Packard an Ambassador?

Posted by 64avanti On 2014/4/16 19:21:48
Thought that would be a great title for this tread.
Also thought I would re visit this recent quote-

"A somber warning: in the corner of the rear window is the remains of a PAC sticker. No too long ago this was someone's baby, someone who had the car painted, replaced the front bumper, and even took the trouble to find a period license plate. And now it is just a lost car in a junkyard with no title.

I am not certain what lessons to draw from this, but am sure of this: go and enjoy the living daylights out of your collector cars now. Run up the mileage and drive them as hard or as easy as you personally like. I think we are largely fooling ourselves when we murmur about being a caretaker in preparation for the next caretaker. For most of these cars, there is no one coming."

The Car market is changing and we all hear a lot of discussion about how to get young people interested.
In addition, I see lots of once great Packards advertised for sale that have been parked for decades and who's restoration is not even close to economically viable.
You very may well own one yourself?

Here is a thought.
There are Auto programs in High Schools & Tech schools all over the country & while they need to teach currently relevant things, maybe if some of those otherwise solid cars were donated maybe it would create a spark as well as create a possible future for some of these fine cars. It really is a tragedy to see kids wasting time on rusty & worn out Nissans, S-10s & the like. And you wouldn't have to worry about what your kids will do with that car you really wanted to restore someday.Perhaps you could even get involved with a history lesson or technical support.
Any thoughts?

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