Re: Make your Packard an Ambassador?

Posted by Ross On 2014/4/17 6:01:55
I think your idea deserves more attention so will "bump" it.

My own 50 Super, that I bought when I was 14, has been gathering dust in various storage locations for about 25 years. Its best not to think about how much storage I have paid on it. Nostalgia has not risen to sufficient pitch that I want to clear more interesting projects off my plate. I would cheerfully give the car to some young person who I thought would do something with it.

In the past 22 years I have been in the Packard "business" I have employed many young people as summer help, and a few longer term and really brought them a long way in their skills. I always hope they will come to love this stuff and have as much fun with it as I have--and keep with it. In that I have been profoundly disappointed.

Your idea allows for exposure to a much larger audience, a few of whom might "get it". Plus it gives opportunity to pass on old school skill and knowhow that will otherwise go lost.

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