About those stupid questions you so dislike

Posted by patgreen On 2014/4/28 1:19:55
A post recently contained this comment:

PATGREEN, not sure how you think it is whining trying to get others experiences with a process you have never done before. You do it all the time, mostly without searching or doing any investigating on your own.

Actually, I do google searches all the time. Outside this forum, most lead nowhere that seems knowledgeable. Isn't knowledge why you are here, not elsewhere on the web?

The reason I pester is simple: many useful participants here leave out what they see as fundamental skills or experience.

For example, my watts linkage necded to be rebushed. My hope was that the local garage could accomplish this at less than specialist cost.

I kept on this for some ti me and accumulated some 35 pages of text and pictures, which I brought with me.

After considerable study, the car was racked, but the job rejected because the lin kage seemed very stressed and the torsion bars scared the mechanics.

My hope in bringing this up is that those of you who see fit to to reply to what to you are simple bits will consider those of us who are not so fortunate as to be highly skilled here.

Be complete, be thorough, include the baby steps.

I assume at some point in your life you were similarly skilled....


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