Re: About those stupid questions you so dislike

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2014/4/28 11:08:02
Good advice from PackardV8 about not just "throwing parts" at problems, and to try the simple things first. But I think back to an expression from (I believe) Mr. Pushbutton, to use the "whole patient" approach to problem solving which is very sound advice indeed. If you think for example that fuel is the problem, start at the tank and end at the carburetor internals. If you think ignition is the problem, start at the battery and cables and go all the way thru to the plugs, paying attention in these examples and other cases to each and every sub-system in between.

But back to questions in general, I really don't think we have much of a problem with "stupid" questions though some I suspect are posted just to provoke comment. But what does wear my patience a bit is when we get the same questions over and over (and over) again; I wish more folks would make use of the search function. Frankly, I begin to run out of patience to answer them again and again, or at least in as much detail as I had the first several times they came up. And I really have to single out HH56 for his patience in responses - he doesn't tire of going over the same ground again and again, does it with great clarity and often takes time to find and amend photos, add relevant manual excerpts, etc. IMO he sets the standard to which we should all aspire.

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