Why Do We Show Our Cars?

Posted by Craig the Clipper Man On 2014/5/13 6:40:12
Sometimes people I know think owners show their cars as a means of gloating or stroking their egos. That might be true for some owners, but most of the owners I know who do show their cars that is not the case. For myself, I have long found attending car shows as a way of seeing and enjoying a variety of vehicles and learning a lot from owners. Now I figure it's my turn.

On Saturday I will take the Bumblebee to the City of Fairfax, VA Antique Auto Show, where it will hang out with about 60 of its friends. What I like the best is talking with the people who attend and telling them all about my car and about Packards in general. (I wish I could get a nickel every time someone asked me what car company built Packards!) I admit that winning is good too, but it's not the reason I take my car to the two or three shows I participate in.

Any comments?

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