Re: One Story Assembly Plant What If?

Posted by RogerDetroit On 2014/5/15 18:55:18
Hello Steve203

Back on page 3, post #21, you said:
"Take a look at the old proving grounds from the air. With Google satellite view, use 50500 Mound Rd as an address. There was no security. The north and south ends of the oval were only a few feet from public roads. Anyone could stand on public land and see what was going on in the track."

It is one thing to look at a current Google Earth satellite view and quite another thing to actually drive by the PPG when it was in use. You could NOT see the track from either 22 Mile Road or 23 Mile Road.

This is because of the 25 foot to 30 foot high earth berms for the high-speed, BANKED turns, not to mention the trees and other foliage at the top of the bank/berm.

When the track was removed a few years ago the berms were then graded to be at nearly the same height as the road and you can now see the vacant infield of the former track.

BTW, the actual address of the PPG is 49965 Van Dyke. We are having a car show (Cars-R-Stars @ the PPG) on Sunday, June 8th. I will be working the Main Gate all day long. Come on out and introduce yourself.

Finally, we have zero records regarding Cadillac leasing the PPG, Chrysler: yes, during the war years. Cadillac; no.

I also have a copy of a report from AMC was preparing to buy the PPG at back in the 1960s as they were tired of going to Kenosha for their testing.


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