Re: One Story Assembly Plant What If?

Posted by RogerDetroit On 2014/5/18 16:45:52
Below is a link to a Detroit Free Press article that gives answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) they get about the Packard Plant.

One question is, "..What is the cost of demolition?"

And their response is:
"But $20 million for demolition and cleanup at the site sounds like a lot of money. Is that reasonable?

That's the city's estimate. A demolition expert told the Free Press that tearing down the plant could cost $10 million, with environmental clean-up adding as much as $10 million more. The 1998 implosion of the J.L. Hudson department store on Woodward cost $12.8 million.

Yes, the buildings are different, but that figure shows that relative cost of demolishing such a large structure. Hudson's had 25 stories and 2.2 million square feet, and was close to the People Mover, which was damaged when the store was imploded. The Packard is in a sparsely populated area, nearly half a mile long, and had, at one time, 3.5 million square feet. Its tallest building is seven stories."

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