Re: One Story Assembly Plant What If?

Posted by Leeedy On 2014/5/18 22:35:36

RogerDetroit wrote:
Here is an article that describes how the new PMCC owner, Fernando Palazuelo, is working to keep out trespasses from the site.

"The abandoned Packard Plant already has its inherent risks - robberies, assaults and vandalized cars.

Now there's a new danger: Park your ride on the sprawling auto plant and you may find it on the back of a tow truck, leaving you without wheels in a dicey neighborhood.

It's part of an aggressive approach by the new owner, Peru-based developer Fernando Palazuelo, to keep out trespassers who are drawn to the 35-acre ruins that have come to symbolize Detroit's industrial decline.

"We are working closely with the city and other neighboring property owners to clean up and improve the area, and this should serve as a clear warning that trespassers will no longer be tolerated," Palazuelo told us."

Ahhh. Like JFK once said...."Whomever the poor fellow is, I wish him luck!"

A "new danger" the paper says? What's so new about it? Sounds more like a rescue!

According to a couple friends of mine who keep tabs on the plant, people don't need Fernando to send tow trucks to haul cars away. That already happens anyway!

OR... people return to find their parked car sitting on the ground with no wheels and the catalytic converter missing! But there always seems to be yet more thrillseekers who think the odds don't apply to them!

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