Re: Why Do We Show Our Cars?

Posted by Dave Brownell On 2014/5/20 11:07:56
I took the 56 Esquire to the Tucker (GA) Main Street Cruise In for its first time and came away with an oversized trophy. Not at all bad for a five buck entry fee. Better yet, I had a chance to meet up with Rick and his very nice 47 Clipper and had a chance to sit inside to soak up the considerable era ambience. Nice guy and a great start for him in the Packard side of his hobby.

I also had a chance to refute the AirBag and Who Made Packard? theories. I did not mention Hewlett once. There were several beautiful fifties Cadillacs that I think showed better than mine, but mine was the unusual brand of that era. Rick's may have been the same for the Forties class. He has shown his four Hudsons with similar approvals (Yeah for the Conner Avenue teams!), but a Packard really brings out the comments of the crowds. A work friend with a beautiful 58 Plymouth Fury also got special ("I remember when I....") comments, and that's why car shows can be so much fun.

The awards were still being handed out when the rain drops appeared. Many of us beat a quick retreat for a dry garage at home, leaving some of us to wonder who else got a trophy. My seven mile trip home was on dry roads but with drops on the windshield. After 15 years of no use, the vacuum wipers worked well-enough. My modern car wipers work bigger and better, but after 58 years, I won't complain. She was in the garage with less than a minute to spare when the heavens opened. That's real car show excitement!

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