Re: One Story Assembly Plant What If?

Posted by Tim Cole On 2014/6/22 7:24:14
Maybe Packard should have stayed in Ohio.

Today Michigan is nothing but corrupt government and roads that are worse than Africa. One road has a sign "minimum speed 55 mph". I get a kick out of that. As if putting up a sign means the road is safe.

One four letter word company used to beat workers with baseball bats. Today the descendants of that degeneracy are still making work in Michigan a rotten experience. So why keep the business in Michigan anyway? The weather, roads, and government are better almost everywhere else.

Next comes senior management. Those people don't know anything about cars, only how to devalue people. Consider how poorly they treat Mexicans. Those decisions are being made by MBA's who think they are entitled to financial welfare from the poor. If it wasn't for the UAW (a pretty sad situation in its own) they would still be hitting people with baseball bats. Hopefully one day south of the border will riot.

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