Re: One Story Assembly Plant What If?

Posted by HH56 On 2014/6/22 11:49:11
The guides pointed with pride to the safety feature in those pre OSHA days: the trigger for each press had two buttons a couple feet apart, so the operator had to use both hands to trip the thing, to make sure he didn't have a hand in the press.

I can imagine how proud they were. There is a manufacturing video that has been linked here a couple of times of what I think might be a 30's GM plant. It might be postwar but at any rate there is a row of giant machines performing some operation. Those machines are all sliding in and out to do whatever their task. Standing what appears to be inches away and between them is an operator. The machine does something & slides out. The operator steps in and places a part and the machine moves in again. From what I could see the operation seemed to be automatic. Didn't see anything happening that commanded the operation or that would prevent the machine from doing it's operation if the guys hand was still there. Also didn't see anything preventing that operator from being in the wrong spot when the machine moved. Talk about nerves of steel.

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