Re: New "What Ifs?"

Posted by Dave Brownell On 2014/8/15 12:09:27
Thanks Mr. P-B for another version I am only half-way through the DeLorean memories (as told to Wright), but cannot recall a single instance where DeLorean admits to making a mistake. Your account makes sense. I have often wondered how dysfunctional EGB and Utica must have been to the good people left behind June 25, 1956. Rats and sinking ships come to mind but these good people could never be referred to as rats.

From what I have read, Ford was ready to hire any of the ex-Packard folks, but obviously, GM and Chrysler took some, too.

Later, DeLorean refers to GM's TurboGlide (and by association, Buick's Twin Pitch Dynaflow) as one of their biggest corporate errors. Wonder if there was a pulled punch for his mentor Forrest McFarland in that assertion?

I'm so happy that the late Bob Aller would find an enthusiastic home, first at Edsel, then Mercury. But Bob's true love was obviously Packard and he proved it until his death.

Where will the Packard hobby be when all the "I was there" guys have gone to their reward? I suspect it will then rest on the shoulders of some of our forum members in their 40-50s. Maybe in any one who enjoys automobile archeology with the cars the rest of us leave behind.

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