Re: Packard-powered X24 Speed Boats

Posted by Guscha On 2014/11/16 12:10:09
The Merlin aeroengine came from Rolls-Royce. What you see here is pure Packard.

...if Packard has a history in boat racing or did these engines just " fall off the truck"...

As may be imagined, no engine builder in the world has the power to develop a 12 cylinder, intended for a special race. Packard made it! To quote

"Gar Wood built the fastest hydroplanes from 1915 until World War II, and he couldn't have done it without Packard engines - indeed the resources of the entire Packard Motor Car Company. Unlike the Liberty which had to be converted to marine use, Packard developed special motor for boat racing. Wood's most famous craft, Miss America X, was powered by four 2,500 cubic-inch Packards. Supercharged, they turned over 2,600 R.P.M. and developed a whopping 7,400 H.P. Packard also built the "Sweepstakes 621" - the only engine ever designed expressly for Gold Cup boats. It was the most consistently successful engine in its class from 1922 thru 1936."

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