Re: New content on the way.....and missing content

Posted by BigKev On 2008/10/29 12:14:53

Your right, you did send those along and they are here on the website. I had the Parts List filed by series and not by year. So that was the confusion. I will also go back and extract the part plates from the Parts List also and post them in the photo section like the others. Also I will put together a list of the Owners Manuals we have and dont have.


Updated Missing List

Missing Shop and Service Manuals
Anything previous to 1922
1922-1928 Service Manual
1929 Service Manual (1929 Only)
1929-1932 Service Manual (1929-1932 Consolidated)
1935 Illustrated Technical Data, 120 Models
1935-1936 Shop Manual
1937 Shop Manual
1938-1939 Shop Manual
1940 Shop Manual (110 & 120)
1940 Shop Manual (160 & 180)
1941 Shop Manual
1942 Shop Manual
1946-50 Shop Manual
1951-1954 Shop Manual
1955-1956 Shop Manual

Missing Parts and Accessories Lists (aka Parts Manual)
Anything previous to 1922
1923-1929 (All Eight Cylinders)
1922-1928 (All Six Cylinders)
1930-1932 (All Eight Cylinders)
1932 Light Eight '900'
1933-1936 (All Twelve Cylinders)
1937-1938 (Super 8, 37-39 V12)
1935-1941 (110, 115, 120, 160, 180, & 39 Super Eights)
1942 (110, 120, 160, 180)
1941-1947 (Clippers)

-Missing most of the Pre-War STB, SC, TLs etc.
-Missing SSB's that Brian referenced earlier.
-Missing several Owner's Manuals.

All and any help is appreciated!

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