Re: Remains of a 1937 prototype?

Posted by RogerDetroit On 2015/2/5 19:55:53
Hello Mal:

That is a VERY good question and the best answer I have for you is, "I don't know." First of all, it is in private hands and a long way from Utica (Shelby Township), MI. Next, we have do a "walkabout" and learn what has actually survived.

As intriguing as it sounds we already have several gifts that need restoration. One is a towing dynamotor car and a V8 show car display chassis. And before we can get to restore them we need to raise funds just to keep the doors open to the PPG.

The PPG annual operating budget is about $74,000 and that is with an ALL volunteer workforce. It takes that amount of money just to keep the utilities turned on, grass cut, insurance paid, etc. On the other side of the coin we took in $32,500 in rental income from the Repair Garage to help offset those costs. The remaining $41,500 came from donations. After paying operating expenses any remaining donated funds are used to preserve and renovate the buildings.

Our next goal is to complete work on the Repair Garage by installing a fire suppression system, adding heat and air-conditioning and complying with safety codes. That will cost about $275,000, but it will allow us to generate over $100,000 a year in rental income. Once the Repair Garage is complete we will then move onto the Engineering Building.

Anyone wishing to become a "Friend of the PPG" can read more about it ... um=4&post_id=155378#forumpost155378

The more donations we receive the more we can do to save Packard history at the PPG.

Thanks, --Roger--

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