Re: What SINGLE factor MOST contributed to the demise of Packard?

Posted by Steve203 On 2015/2/22 12:20:37

AL wrote:

I think you left one out that should not have been left out. The intended merger with AMC that never came about. If that had taken place the Packard/stude merger might not have been as big a deal.


I looked at that "grand plan" over last summer, from Packard, Studebaker, Hudson and AMC perspectives. imho, the "grand plan" was a myth. It was cooked up years later by James Nance to try and explain away his mistakes at the helm of Packard. Langworth had never heard of it until he interviewed Nance for his book on Hudson in 73. Pat Foster has also weighed in with his assessment that the plan was a myth as he has interviewed several principles from that era and none of them ever heard of it, except for Nance. Additionally, the actions of Nance and the Packard BoD in the 53-54 time frame are not consistent with the plan that supposedly existed.

I give credit for Packard's failure in varying degrees to the BoD, Christoper, Ferry, but I lay the major share on James Nance. Arrogance and incompetence are always a dangerous combination.

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