Re: Quick Question on IDing engines...

Posted by HH56 On 2015/2/24 10:14:54
Question: Why don't rat turds decompose? Are they harmful to to one's health if exposed for too long to them? The rear seat is loaded,and I was shoveling them out of the trunk when I went to put tires on it. About ten good size shovel loads,and there is plenty left.

I believe the droppings form a hard dry shell on the outside and typically just lay there. My guess as to why they stuck to the block is there was moisture condensed or maybe ran down onto the engine and the offerings were just melted into the mix. As to the danger, aside from the usual filth, with rats from drier climates there is a real problem with their being carriers of a hantavirus. It has been prevalent in some areas of Arizona and the desert SW in general. Even hit as far north as Yosemite Park a few years ago. It is a little late now for advice but hopefully you were wearing a dust mask when you did the shoveling.

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