Re: What SINGLE factor MOST contributed to the demise of Packard?

Posted by Steve203 On 2015/2/24 13:46:24

johntrhodes81 wrote:

I was actually saying the opposite. Make the Junior Packard, sold as the Packard Clipper, a Studebaker Clipper with the 289 in the Deluxe and Supers and the 320 in the Customs. Essentially turn the Clipper into a Studebaker not turn a Studebaker into a Packard like in '57-58.

So Packard would have the 400 line (senior body/352 engine)
They should have built a 300 for '55 (senior body/320 engine)
They should have built the Executive for '55 (junior body/320 engine)


So sell a retrimmed Clipper as a Studebaker, rather than a tarted up Studebaker as a Clipper. The Clipper cost about $300 more than a top of the line President, which was about 15% in those days. First, would the Studebaker clientele accept a Studie that cost that much? Second, that would take more volume away from South Bend, which was already operating far below breakeven.

Studie's strength by then was the cheap cars: Champion and low trim Commanders. There just isn't as much synergy with Packard as Studie would have had with Nash or, to a lesser degree, Hudson, because the best selling Hudson was the top of the line Hornet, which competed with the Clipper.

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