Re: New member, Grandfather's Packard identy

Posted by 58L8134 On 2015/3/24 19:13:06

The main difference was Oaklands had V8 engines and Pontiacs a six cylinder. If you want to see a unique engine, look up the Oakland V8 data. It wasn't a great engine with a single plane crankshaft but it is a real pioneering effort: its a monoblock V8 a year to two before the Ford flathead V8 of '32.


PS: The 1929-30 Viking V8 was also a pioneering monoblock engine as well. Both engines had unusual horizontal valves and oddly shaped combustion chambers. Despite their similarity, nothing interchanges between the two. At least the Viking V8 had a 90 degree crankshaft, didn't rely on an oddball contraption to counteract out-of-balance rocking forces.

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