Re: The future??

Posted by Tim Cole On 2015/4/22 14:51:18
I'm just trying to avoid learned helplessness.

We all got a big laugh at work today over this issue. GM is trying pretty hard to go out of business again. Think of the ad campaign - "Why license a troublesome Cadillac when you can OWN a brand new Toyota for the thousands less?"

Really, if software piracy were such a big deal everybody would have stolen what they need from Toyota, Nissan, and Honda. On top of that is the accounting and financial nightmare that goes with the whole scheme. If the product isn't being sold then GM is asking the bank for money to hold cars produced as assets to be licensed for use. If the piece of junk breaks down then it's a breach of contract. The customer can walk away and stop paying.

The top management at GM is overpaid and crazy.

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