Re: The future??

Posted by su8overdrive On 2015/4/22 18:16:44
I'm leary of EZ "thuh politicians," "thuh bureaucrats" laments. We get the government we deserve. That wonderful adage comes to mind: "If you don't like the news, make some of your own."

But it's easier to complain and look for black helicopters.

Automakers produce cars laden with electronic toys because that's what m o s t of the public wants. Look how much time even we "real" gearheads spend online.

You can't blame automakers in a litigious society not wanting Joe Sixpak working on one of their complex offerings, then turning around and suing them, despite Mr. Sixpak's tawk radio penchant for lawyer jokes.

The US has 100-fold the attorneys per capita than Japan. Tim Cole's right above, inc. Detroit's out-of-touch, obscenely overpaid "management." Flying to Washington in private jets to receive their welfare--oops, i mean corporate bailouts, at our expense.

BTW, Packard's legal counsel, Henry E. Bodman, rewrote the Merlin agreement so that it became the basis for government contracts for years to come, and look where that led; a s t i l l unaudited Pentagon that gets 53.2 cents of every one of our Federal income tax dollars. A $1.5 trillion F-35 blackhole.

Been a long time since we had class acts will Sen. William Proxmire and Admiral Hyman Rickover, who demanded accountability.

Again, we get the government we deserve, and little over a third of registered voters bothered to vote in the last November, 2014 national election.

So let's stick with Packards and dial down the downhome politik. The bureaucrats and "politicians" are, like us, US citizens. Anyone can run for office. If you don't want to put it on the line, then at least bother to vote for the lesser of evils.

BTW, unit costs, labor costs in Germany are higher than in Detroit, and they're not holding back Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, VW. Germany also owns 70% of Europe's debt, and China a large portion of ours.

No bogeyman is going to stop us from wrenching our inline eight lawn mower engines, but i'm sure, as with the ZDDP, unleaded gas, multiweight oil scares of yore, we can whine about this, too.

To quote Claude Rains' Capt. Renault in Casablanca,
"Round up the usual suspects."

It's hilarious that we're up to a total over 10,000 posts of what Packard "should've done" before half the posters were alive, or old enough to remember or appreciate the tenor of the times, how East Grand "might've been" saved, while i've been trying to find homes for rust-free California Packard parts on the Buy/Trade/Sell forum here, some for little more than postage.

Some of us longterm Packard guys wonder when some of the posters have time to work on their cars, or if they have one.
Beware of early retirement. Back to work.

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