Air Conditioning Service.

Posted by PackardV8 On 2015/6/26 12:04:58
RECOVERING refrigerant from a system.

Take a look at You-Tube by grayfurnaceman titled "Refrigerant Recovery using the Compressor".

IT shows the REFRIGERANT evacuated from a HOUSEHOLD unit by simply using the AC's UNIT compressor and NO other form of pump.

So i am wondering why the compressor does not sieze due to no oil circulation when the refrigerant level gets sufficiently low.

AND NO, comments and questions in the u-tube vid are disabled so no way to ask a qquestion on this particular u-tube.

I'm not familiar enuf with houshold units to know.

However, this might be a slick trick to use when servicing vintage tin AC units. Anyone priced ANY refrigerant lately. It's mighty dammmmmned expensive now.

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