Re: Power Brake, 55 Patrician

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2015/7/7 13:08:33
Just adding a bit to what James has said, certainly a tandem master cylinder can provide a margin of safety over a single - no one can argue that point. But the Bendix TreadleVac was the standard of the industry on almost all American makes of cars for nearly a decade, even used on Mercedes-Benz in the early 60s. Properly rebuilt from a good core, checking your brake fluid level regularly, and keeping the fluid clean and it should be serviceable for decades. By far the vast majority of folks with Packards and other cars using the Bendix unit still use them, failures are uncommon; improper rebuilding, faulty rebuild parts, or failure to pay proper periodic attention to the brake system the likely culprits.

If you're nervous about it, then upgrade.

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