Yesterday's New York Times

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2015/8/15 9:31:25
Interesting article in yesterday's New York Times about the increasing appreciation for (and $ value of) unrestored cars, almost lamenting the numbers of well-preserved original cars that have been needlessly restored. How nice it is to see this trend gaining traction, especially from the venue that so values restoration (dare I say over-restoration?).

Granted the article was aimed at the very high end cars, Ferraris, M-B, etc. One example cited was a pair of M-B 300SL cars at Pebble auction last year - one impeccably restored and the other original and not even carefully preserved. The original sold for a half-million more than the restored example.

The article, by Robert C. Yeager, appears in Section B, page 4, and is titled "A New Class of Ferrari Takes a Bow at Pebble Beach - Unrestored".

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