Re: You learn something every day!

Posted by Dave Kenney On 2008/11/24 16:34:42

Guscha wrote:
If required I will check "Jane's Fighting Ships", an annual reference book (a weighty tome) of information on all the world's warships. There are several so-called sunshine navies which have hoary vessels in service. Perhaps there is one of these Packard driven PT's still in

Please don't guffaw - a lot of dead-end harbors out there in the world.

I know that a few of the MTB's were converted to private yachts after the war although I doubt many still have the original engines. Feeding 4 Packard Marine engine with 100 octane fuel would be VERY expensive! One MTB or possibly Motor Gun Boat (MGB) was featured in the 1955 movie "The Ship That Died Of Shame" about an MTB that was used for smuggling and rum running after the war.

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