We found and spoke to a prior owner

Posted by Ernie Vitucci On 2016/3/27 18:26:45
Good afternoon all...Well, I had a bit of time the other day and decided to see if I could find 'Miss Prudence' prior owner. We purchased her from a wholesaler in Minnesota. However, he had never registered her and so he sent along the registration from David A. Raile in Grand Island, Nebraska. It took me about an hour on the internet to find an address and a phone number, no e-mail address. What to do? I decided to just make a phone call and see what would happen. David is 80 years young and remembered 'Miss Prudence' well. We had a great conversation and while he could not come up with the name of the man he purchased from, he thought he had it in his files. He is going to look up the information and call me. If you have the time to work back, one owner at a time, it is definitely worth it. Ernie

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