Re: When and how the luxury market dominance was being lost?

Posted by Packard53 On 2008/12/15 0:41:56
Owen: If you want to get down to the fine points of things then we will. Before WWI Packard and many other car makers made money selling high price luxury cars. However after the end WWI things started to change even for Packard.

Packard after WWI tried to continue selling high price luxury cars the single line Twin Six, but soon found out that to stay in business, they had to come out with a cheaper model. Packard sure as hell didn't introduced the Single Six in 1921 for the heck of it. They came out with a cheaper model so that they could to sell to a greater segment of the population, and give them a bread and butter car that paid the bills and made them a good profit.

John F. Shireman

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