Posted by fredkanter On 2016/10/11 10:22:36
Excellent case in point in the "Project Blogs" section, John's 1201 35 Eight. There is an excellent photo of a just removed oil pan. You will see in the front portion of the pan it is
ABSOLUTELY CLEAN. So much for sludge in far reaching

The two deeper parts of the pan seem to have minimal sludge, certainly not enough to cause damage.

I does not seem that removal of the pan was necessary and might have been avoided if the owner had removed the access over and removed the oil screen to clean and inspect.

We have many used aluminum pan engines from 1924-1939, and steel pan engines 1935-1956 in our warehouse, if the mood strikes me I might remove some pans and report. I can say with 100% surety that we have disassembled perhaps 50 Packard engines and never found one that had sludge that would damage it.

Other opinions or actual experiences welcome

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