Re: When and how the luxury market dominance was being lost?

Posted by Eric Boyle On 2008/12/21 18:19:23
And don't forget the Germans. The atrocities against the the Jews and Roma and Slavic peoples has no parallel in human history. It was always in the back of my mind when I owned a Mercedes that that same company (using slave labour)built vehicles, , aero and marine engines which helped to transport Hitler's hordes across Europe. I now drive a Ford Crown Victoria and a Volvo 240 made here in good old Canada.
The present generations of these countries weren't even born when these atrocities occurred so perhaps it would be best to forgive but not forget.

What the Russians did during WWII and after under Stalin is far worse than anything the Germans could come up with. The hype over the Germans during WWII is mainly from the Germans not wanting to play the game of the world financiers, and working out a barter system with other countries, since they were completely bankrupt after WWI, and couldn't afford to buy anything from anyone.

Not trying to approve of anything that the Germans under Hitler did, but the facts are there if you look hard enough. The Germans weren't the only bad people of the era, even the US had it's share of crimes, namely the camps that the Japanese were in. People do bad things all the time, it's just human nature. (NOW I sound like Petey! LOL)

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