Re: Long term storage-Myths??

Posted by fredkanter On 2016/12/18 21:39:32
Never had any problems with wheel bearings after sitting motionless and under full load for 10,20, 30, 40 years. Tires do leak and I try to keep them pumped up, sitting flat is tough on tires.

Brakes are a different story, glycol based brake fluid is hygroscopic and it absorbs water from the humidity in the air causing rust in the master and wheel cylinders which results in frozen and or leaking cylinders.

DOT 5 silicone based fluid after flushing out all glycol DOT 3 will nearly eliminate the problem.

I've never had a car damaged or ruined from long term unheated storage with no storage protections taken. Even some clocks work after 40 years, of course you have to set them ahead four decades.

I do not live in an excessively damp area, all vehicles stored on wood floors.

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