Re: Long term storage-Myths??

Posted by Fish'n Jim On 2016/12/19 9:48:13
In what I call the "age of speculation" due to all the social media, this would be referred to as "anecdotal evidence" in the classification of things.
We all have our biases and ideas, doesn't make them right or wrong. We use our senses; hearing, vision, etc. to make most of those judgements. Sometimes the senses are fooled. Facts are time and condition dependent. As we learn more, what used to be "correct" may no longer. That's why mathematics is advanced through "proof" - logical deduction and rules. Otherwise, there would be no reason to have to convince people.
I'm sure vehicles have no such biases. They just react to mechanical actions and conditions. Some would say if it works, don't fix it. But we can't see all the issues of a vehicle that's been out of circulation and no record of maintenance. Hence the difference of experiences noted. And the level of condition we want to achieve.
Wear takes time to show up, so if there is something wrong it may nto show for some time and give a false impressions. Just be aware of these, don't over think it, and things usually work out, but without checking thoroughly there will be surprises.

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