Re: Bendix Treadle Vac, Myths, Fiction and Facts

Posted by fredkanter On 2017/3/1 19:36:25
"The Lincoln has a conventional firewall mounted master cylinder and a Tredle- Vac unit that mounts to the firewall adjacent to the master cylinder with a vacuum tank under the driver side fender similar to the Packard".

We've owned a TreadleVac equipped 55 Lincoln, the BTV is an integral master cylinder/vacuum booster unit. It is all 1 piece when installed. You describe a separate master cylinder and an adjacent master cylinder. The input to a BTV is mechanical pedal pressure, the output is high pressure brake fluid. You step on the pedal and high pressure fluid applies the brakes.

So what function would an adjacent non-power master cylinder perform. There would have to be 2 pedals and the output from the 2 units joined.

I think your description is inaccurate.

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